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Top 10 Fish Keeping Myths, These Are Lies That Many People Believe

by Kripa Pokharel 06 Jun 2024 0 Comments
myths about fish keeping

Top Fish-Keeping Myths Debunked: Essential Facts for Aquarists

1. Not understanding the nitrogen cycle

    Lack of knowledge about the nitrogen cycle kills more fish than anything else

    Letting a new tank run for a month without an ammonia source does not establish the cycle

    Need to learn and follow the nitrogen cycle process before adding fish

2. Over-cleaning the tank and filter

    Cleaning too thoroughly removes beneficial bacteria needed to process ammonia/nitrites

    Only clean enough to remove visible waste, don't scrub everything until new

3.Thinking air pumps/bubblers are oxygen tanks

    They facilitate gas exchange by agitating the surface, allowing more oxygen in

    But they don't directly add oxygen like a tank would

4.Thinking a bigger filter means less water changes

    Larger filters process more water through the media

    But water changes are still needed to remove nitrates that build up over time

5.Relying on plecos/algae eaters to clean the tank

    They help control algae and clean up some waste

    But are not a substitute for regular tank maintenance by the owner

6.Thinking smaller tanks are easier than larger tanks

    Issues like algae blooms or ammonia spikes are more problematic in smaller water volume

7.Using old tank water to "instantly cycle" a new tank

   Beneficial bacteria lives on surfaces, not in the water itself

   Using old decor, substrate or filter media is better for seeding a new tank

8.Feeding feeder fish

    Feeder fish are raised in poor conditions and may carry diseases/parasites

    They compete for limited food, eat deceased others

9.Thinking fish will only eat feeder fish

    With enough patience, nearly any fish can be transitioned to prepared foods

    Starvation is more effective than constantly feeding feeder fish

  1. Fish will only grow to the size of the tank

    While stunting maximum size, organs continue growing leading to deformities

    Providing inadequate space results in a low quality of life for the fish

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